Segnalazione #66
Handle octofussd connection refused error
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If the octofussd backend is not running or not reachable (for remote usage), the connection refused is now an unhandled exception.
We need to handle it and show the user a proper error message/page.
Associated revisions
Handle ConnectionRefusedError. Fixes #66
Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Nuovo to Risolto
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applicata nel changeset 24811002091436fa1a8a156e5e40fcb06cd58d4d.
Updated by Enrico Zini over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Risolto to Chiuso
When connection refused is detected at the beginning of a view, now there's a redirect to the login view. Trying to login again gives a connection refused error message, unless the server is back.
This is better than a traceback, but not optimal. There's now a place to hook a more optimal solution, though.
Handle ConnectionRefusedError on login and on views. refs: #66