


Segnalazione #279

octnet crash - creazione utente con controller group disabilitato

Added by Michael Guggenberg over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

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% Done:


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Se creo un utente con il controller group disabilitato octonet va in crash.


2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stdout#info] CREATE users/users/test2/groups/docenti None
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/octofuss/", line 155, in _wrap_call
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] res = callable(*args)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/sbin/octofussd", line 142, in create
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] return self.tree.create(path, value)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/octofuss/", line 114, in create
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] return self.lcreate(_tolist(path), value)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/octofuss/", line 273, in lcreate
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] return tree.lcreate(path[1:], value, **kw)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/octofuss/", line 273, in lcreate
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] return tree.lcreate(path[1:], value, **kw)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/octofuss/", line 576, in lcreate
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] return el.lcreate(path[1:], value)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/octofuss/", line 426, in lcreate
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] if sub: return sub.lcreate(path[1:], value, **kw)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/octofuss/", line 578, in lcreate
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] return self.new_element(path[0], value)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/share/octofussd/plugins/usersplugin/", line 110, in new_element
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] user.commit()
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/share/octofussd/plugins/usersplugin/", line 341, in commit
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] common.userDB.commitModify(
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/share/octofussd/plugins/usersplugin/", line 101, in commitModify
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] self.ldap.modify(obj._dn, obj._changes)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ldap3/core/", line 498, in modify
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] raise LDAPChangesError(self.last_error)
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stderr#error] ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPChangesError: no changes in modify request
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stdout#info] Exception <class 'ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPChangesError'> is not whitelisted
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stdout#info] Exception <class 'ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPExceptionError'> is not whitelisted
2017-05-31T13:48:32+0200 [stdout#info] Exception <class 'ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPException'> is not whitelisted


Screenshot - 05312017 - 01_51_10 PM.png (1.09 MB) Screenshot - 05312017 - 01_51_10 PM.png Michael Guggenberg, 05/31/2017 01:58 PM
Screenshot - 05312017 - 01_52_17 PM.png (113 KB) Screenshot - 05312017 - 01_52_17 PM.png Michael Guggenberg, 05/31/2017 01:58 PM
octofussd.log (3.17 KB) octofussd.log Michael Guggenberg, 05/31/2017 01:58 PM



Updated by Michael Guggenberg over 7 years ago

  • Assignee set to TRUELITE

Updated by Christopher R. Gabriel over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Nuovo to Commenti
  • Assignee changed from TRUELITE to Michael Guggenberg

Per capire meglio, con "controller group disabilitato" intendi creare un utente senza specifica il controller group?


Updated by Michael Guggenberg over 7 years ago



Updated by Christopher R. Gabriel over 7 years ago

Non riesco a riprodurlo sulla mia installazione.

Se per te e' riproducibile, ti chiederei la cortesia di:

  • modifica /etc/octonet.conf modificando 'DEBUG = False' in 'DEBUG = True'
  • Riprodurre il problema
  • Inviare tutto il testo che ottieni premendo sul link "Switch to copy&paste version" della pagina di errore.

Updated by Michael Guggenberg over 7 years ago

Non riesco piĆ¹ a riprodurlo, chiudo.


Updated by Michael Guggenberg over 7 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Michael Guggenberg to TRUELITE

Updated by Michael Guggenberg over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Commenti to Chiuso
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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